Can one import/export between different versions of Oracle

Different versions of import utility are upward compatible. This means that one can take an export file created from an old export version and import it using a later version of the import utility. 
This is quite an effective way of upgrading a database from one release of Oracle to the next. 

Oracle also ships some previous catexpX.sql scripts that can be executed as user SYS enabling older imp/exp versions to work (for backwards compatibility)

For example, one can run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catexp7.sql on an Oracle 8 database to allow Oracle 7.3 exp/imp utilities to run against an Oracle 8 database

How to fix: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Open your terminal and type mysql -u root -p Enter your password. Hopefully your MySQL is logged in now.