What database aspects should be monitored

One should implement a monitoring system to constantly monitor the following aspects of a database. 

Writing custom scripts, implementing Oracle's Enterprise Manager or buying a third party monitoring product that can achieve this. If an alarm is triggered, system should automatically notify the DBA (e – mail, pager etc.) to take appropriate action. 

Infrastructure availability
  1. Is the database up and responding to request
  2. Are the listeners up and responding to request
  3. Are Oracle Names and LDAP Servers up and responding to request
  4. Are the Web Listeners up and responding to requests 
Things that can cause service outrages
  1. Is the archive log destination filling up? 
  2. Objects getting close to their max extents
  3. User and process limits reached 

How to fix: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Open your terminal and type mysql -u root -p Enter your password. Hopefully your MySQL is logged in now.